Inter-  Faiths  Dialogue

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T hose who testify to the truth of the nature of the Self, Have found it by reflecting within themselves.

temple_buddhist quote 3752  | 
in Suzuki, 1961, p. 336 


M ONK: "Where is the Reality in appearance?"
MASTER: "Wherever there is appearance, there is Reality."
MONK: "How does It manifest Itself?"
MASTER: (The master silently lifted his saucer.)
MONK: "But where is the Reality in illusion?"
MASTER: "The origin of illusion is the Real."
MONK: "But how can Reality manifest Itself in illusion?"
MASTER: "Wherever there is illusion, there is the manifestation of Reality."
MONK: "Do you say, then, Reality can never be separated from illusion?"
MASTER: "Where can you possibly find the appearance of illusion?"

temple_buddhist quote 3751  |   Ts’ao-shan Pen-chi
in Chung-yuan, 1975; pp. 72-73 


M aintain the state of undistractedness, and distractions will fly away. Dwell alone, and you shall find the Friend. Take the lowest place, and you shall reach the highest. Hasten slowly, and you shall soon arrive. Renounce all worldly goals, and you shall reach the highest Goal. If you follow this unfrequented path, you will find the shortest way. If you realize Sunyata (the absolute Emptiness), compassion will arise within your hearts; and when you lose all differentiation between yourself and others, then you will be fit to serve others.

temple_buddhist quote 3749  | 
Evans-Wentz, 1971; pp. 259, 261, 262, 270, 271 


T he Avadhut lives alone in an empty hut;
With a pure, even mind, he is always content.
He moves about, naked and free,
Aware that all this is only the Self.

Where neither the third state (deep sleep) nor the fourth state (samadhi) exists,
Where everything is experienced as the Self alone,
Where neither righteousness nor unrighteousness exists,
Could bondage or liberation be living there?

In that state (samadhi) where one knows nothing at all,
This versified knowledge doesn't even exist.
So, now, while I'm in the state of samarasa,
I, the Avadhut, have spoken of the Truth.

temple_hindu quote 3737  | 
#73 to 75, Reprinted from Abhayananda, S., Dattatreya: The Song Of The Avadhut, Olympia, Wash., Atma Books, 1992 


I do not know Shiva; how can I speak of Him?
I do not know Shiva; how can I worship Him?
I , myself, am Shiva, the primal Essence of everything;
My nature, like the sky, remains ever the same.

I am the Essence, the all-pervading Essence;
I have no form of -my own.
I'm beyond the division of subject and object;
How could I possibly be an object to myself?

There's no such thing as an infinite form;
The infinite Reality has no form of Its own.
The one Self, the supreme Reality,
Neither creates, nor sustains, nor destroys anything.

temple_hindu quote 3719  | 
#27to29, Reprinted from Abhayananda, S., Dattatreya: The Song Of The Avadhut, Olympia, Wash., Atma Books, 1992 


Y ou are the Self, the infinite Being, the pure, unchanging Consciousness, which pervades everything. Your nature is bliss and your glory is without stain. Because you identify yourself with the ego, you are tied to birth and death. Your bondage has no other cause.

temple_hindu quote 3704  | 
Vivekachudamani; Prahhavananda, 1947, p.97 


T he yogi who knows that the entire splendor of the universe is his, who rises to the consciousness of unity with the universe, retains his Divinity even in the midst of various thoughts and fancies. (1) ... This entire universe is a sport of Consciousness. One who is constantly aware of this is certainly a liberated being (jivanmukta). (2)

temple_hindu quote 3689  |   Tantric scriptures
(1) Ishvarapratyabijna, 11-12 ; (2) Spandakarika, 3:3 


D ay after day, let the yogi practice the stilling of the mind, in a secret place, in deep seclusion, master of his thoughts, hoping for nothing, desiring nothing. Let him find a place that is pure and a pose that is restful... In that place let him rest and practice yoga for the purification of the soul; with his mind and prana [vital energy] stilled, let him be silent before the One.

With his soul in peace, and all fear gone, and firm in the vow of purity, let him hold his mind steady, focusing his intention on Me, the supreme Lord. When the mind of the yogi is steady, and finds rest in the Spirit, when all restless desires have vanished, then he is a yukta, one who has attained yoga. ... Then he knows the joy of eternity; he sees with his mind far beyond what the senses can see. He remains steady in the Truth, unmoving. ... This supreme joy comes to the yogi whose heart is still, whose passions have found rest; he is free from all sin, and is one with Brahman.

temple_hindu quote 3684  | 


E ven those who seem to be "devils," derive their existence from the Good, and are naturally good], and desire the Beautiful and Good in desiring existence, life, and consciousness, ... And they are called evil through the deprivation and the loss whereby they have lapsed from their proper virtues. Hence they are evil only insofar as they lack [true] existence; and in desiring evil, they desire non-existence. (1)

... Even so, we say that the air is darkened around us by a deficiency and absence of the light; while yet the light is itself always light and illumines the darkness. Therefore, evil inheres not in the devils or in us, as evil, but only as a deficiency and lack of the perfection of our proper virtues. (2)

Thus evil has no being, nor any inherence in things that have being. Evil is nowhere qua evil; and it arises not through any power but through weakness.(3) ... in a word, evil is weakness, impotence, and deficiency of knowledge... (4)

church quote 3675  | 
(1) The Divine Names, IV.23; Rolt, 1920 ; (2) The Divine Names, IV.24; Rolt, 1920 ; (3) The Divine Names, IV.34; Rolt, 1920 ; (4) The Divine Names, IV.35; Rolt, 1920 


T he eye cannot see God, words cannot name Him, flesh and blood cannot touch Him, the ear cannot hear Him; but within the soul That which is most fair, most pure, most intelligible, most ethereal, most honorable, can contemplate Him because it is like Him, can hear Him because of their kinship.

... The soul holds herself erect and strong, she gazes at the pure light [of the Godhead]; she wavers not, nor turns her glance to earth, but closes her ears and directs her eyes and all other senses within. She forgets the troubles and sorrows of earth, its joys and honors, its glory and its shame; and submits to the guidance of pure reason and strong love. For reason points out the road that must be followed, and love drives the soul forward, making the rough places smooth by its charm and constancy. And as we approach heaven and leave earth behind, the goal becomes clear and luminous-that is a foretaste of God's very self. On the road we learn His nature better; but when we reach the end, we see Him.

candle quote 3655  | 
Diss., X1.9-10 


A nd the Logos became flesh and lived among us ... as the only-begotten son of his father.

church quote 3643  | 
John: 1:2 


S et your heart upon your work, but never on its reward. Work not for a reward; but never cease to do your work. ...

temple_hindu quote 3620  | 
2:47; based on Mascaro, Juan, 1962 


H ear the praise of Chokmah [Wisdom] from Her own mouth: 'I am the Word which was spoken by the Most High.

synagogue quote 3588  |   The Ecclesiastes


G od's court retains an account of all deeds.

quote 3574  |   Guru Nanak
Guru Granth Sahib, page 109, Line 12 


T o find a buddha all you have to do is see your nature. Your nature is the buddha.

temple_buddhist quote 3543  | 
The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma. Trans. Red Pine. New York: North Point Press, 1987, pp. 13-15 


W hat you plant here, you will reap there.

mosque quote 3541  | 
Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.56 


T herefore the sage embraces the One
And becomes the model of the world.

quote 3539  | 
Laozi 22, in Wing-Tsit Chan, Chinese Philosophy, Chapter 7. 


B e kind and merciful. Let no one ever come to you without coming away better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting. In the slums we are the light of God's kindness to the poor. To children, to the poor, to all who suffer and are lonely, give always a happy smile - Give them not only your care, but also your heart.

church quote 3497  | 
Something Beautiful for God : Mother Teresa of Calcutta 


I will be a saint' means I will despoil myself of all that is not God; I will strip my heart of all created things; I will live in poverty and detachment; I will renounce my will, my inclinations, my whims and fancies, and make myself a willing slave to the will of God.

church quote 3496  | 
Something Beautiful for God : Mother Teresa of Calcutta 


W e must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.

church quote 3492  | 
The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr. 


E very man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or the darkness of destructive selfishness. This is the judgment. Life's most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?

church quote 3490  | 
The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr. 


R eligion in fact is not knowledge, but a faith and aspiration; it is justified indeed both by an imprecise intuitive knowledge of large spiritual truths and by the subjective experience of souls that have risen beyond the ordinary life, but in itself it only gives us the hope and faith by which we may be induced to aspire to the intimate possession of the hidden tracts and larger realities of the Spirit. That we turn always the few distinct truths and the symbols or the particular discipline of a religion into a hard and fast dogmas, is a sign that as yet we are only infants in the spiritual knowledge and are yet far from the science of the Infinite.

temple_hindu quote 3486  | 
A Practical Guide to Integral Yoga 


M an is shut up at present in his surface individual consciousness and knows the world only through his outward mind and senses and by interpreting their contacts with the world. By Yoga there can open in him a consciousness which becomes one with that of the world; he becomes directly aware of a universal Being, universal states, universal Force and Power, universal Mind, Life, Matter and lives in conscious relations with these things. He is then said to have cosmic consciousness

temple_hindu quote 3483  | 
A Practical Guide to Integral Yoga 


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