World  Sacred  Scriptures

The wisdom of The Talmud

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R espect an old man who has lost his learning: remember that the fragments of the Tablets broken by Moses were preserved alongside the new.

quote 6721  |   The Talmud
Berakot 8b 

I t is better not to give alms than to give it in public, with embarrassment for the recipient.

quote 6719  |   The Talmud

T he talk of the child in the street is that of his father or mother at home.

quote 6716  |   The Talmud

I f you do not know what there is on earth, do you expect to know what there is in heaven?

quote 6710  |   The Talmud

A man with no sense deserves no pity.

quote 6708  |   The Talmud

S tudy leads to action.

quote 6706  |   The Talmud

M uch have I learned from my teachers, more from my colleagues, but most from my students

quote 6698  |   The Talmud
Ta’anit 7b 

A corpse does not feel the knife.

quote 6697  |   The Talmud

W ho shames his friend in public is as one that sheds blood.

quote 6694  |   The Talmud
Bava Metzia 

I n your town, your reputation counts; in another, your clothes do.

quote 6689  |   The Talmud

A nger in a home is like rottenness in fruit.

quote 6677  |   The Talmud
Sota 3b 

L ittle children won’t let you sleep; big children won’t let you live.

quote 6672  |   The Talmud

S lander is in the same category with murder.

quote 6668  |   The Talmud
Talmud Yerushalmi, Pe’ah I 

T he wheel always comes full circle.

quote 6665  |   The Talmud

F ish die out of water; men die without law and order.

quote 6664  |   The Talmud
Avoda Zara 4a 

T he fool always jumps in front.

quote 6662  |   The Talmud

I t is not the place that honors its man, but the man that honors his place.

quote 6659  |   The Talmud

M any have drunk from this cup of mourning and many will drink.

quote 6654  |   The Talmud

E ven if a man is a rabbi, when his father enters, the son must rise [in the presence of his pupils].

quote 6652  |   The Talmud
Horayot 13b 

A nger and wrath are angels of destruction.

quote 6646  |   The Talmud
Talmud Yerushalmi, Ta’anit 

H ate is like a channel made by water: it widens continually.

quote 6644  |   The Talmud
Sanhedrin 7a 

O ne does not try to placate an angry man.

quote 6638  |   The Talmud

M ay my death atone for all my sins!

quote 6635  |   The Talmud

A wifeless man is not a man.

quote 6632  |   The Talmud

W hether you do little or much, let it be out of good intentions.

quote 6630  |   The Talmud

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