R espect an old man who has lost his learning: remember that the fragments of the Tablets broken by Moses were preserved alongside the new. quote 6721 | The Talmud Berakot 8b
I t is better not to give alms than to give it in public, with embarrassment for the recipient. quote 6719 | The Talmud Hagiga
T he talk of the child in the street is that of his father or mother at home. quote 6716 | The Talmud Sotah
I f you do not know what there is on earth, do you expect to know what there is in heaven? quote 6710 | The Talmud Sanhedrin
M uch have I learned from my teachers, more from my colleagues, but most from my students quote 6698 | The Talmud Ta’anit 7b
L ittle children won’t let you sleep; big children won’t let you live. quote 6672 | The Talmud Nedarim
I t is not the place that honors its man, but the man that honors his place. quote 6659 | The Talmud Ta’anit
E ven if a man is a rabbi, when his father enters, the son must rise [in the presence of his pupils]. quote 6652 | The Talmud Horayot 13b