I nauspicious matters must be referred to in auspicious words [i.e., a bad or shocking piece of news or strong sentiments must be couched in polite language]. quote 8951 | Gautama Smriti Gautama Smriti, 9:21
A man must adopt a vocation appropriate to his age, intellect, means, ability in speaking, dress, learning, family and activity, a vocation free from crookedness and dishonesty. quote 8950 | Yajnavalkya Smriti Yajnavalkya Smriti, V. Raghavan, I.5.123
K nowledge is of two kinds, that which is derived from scripture, and that which is derived from reflection. quote 8949 | Bhagavata Purana Vishnu Purana, Tr. Horace Hayman Wilson, 6.5.642
A considerate man will always cultivate, in act, thought, and speech, that which is good for living beings . . . . quote 8948 | Bhagavata Purana Vishnu Purana, Tr. Horace Hayman Wilson, 3.12.45
W ealth, pleasure, virtue, are things of little moment. quote 8947 | Bhagavata Purana Vishnu Purana, Tr. Horace Hayman Wilson, 1.17.133
O ne may do penance but not have conquered anger; one may have knowledge without detachment; indeed a man may be great, but all the same be a prey to desire. quote 8946 | Bhagavata Purana Bhagavata Purana, 8
W ith material gains and desires, there is no satisfaction; such is avarice. quote 8945 | Bhagavata Purana Bhagavata Purana, 8
O ne contented with what happens to him of itself is haµppy. quote 8944 | Bhagavata Purana Bhagavata Purana, 8
K eep your mind calm and serene; your own real enemy is your own rebellious mind. quote 8943 | Bhagavata Purana Bhagavata Purana, 7
Y our days are like shadow, you will not prolong it, . . . Half of your life you spend in sleep; part is wasted in youthful carelessness and another in the helplessness of old age; and the remaining balance is spent in wallowing in the trivial pleasures of domestic or sensuous life. quote 8942 | Bhagavata Purana Bhagavata Purana, 5.7
T o one who has denuded himself of all slumber, subdued his mind, is tranquil, serene and contented, there is happiness everywhere. quote 8941 | Bhagavata Purana Bhagavata Purana, 11
M ay all beings regard me with the eye of a friend. May I regard all beings with the eye of a friend. With the eye of a friend do we regard one another. quote 8636 | The Yajur Veda Yajurveda, Tr. Ralph T.H. Griffith, 36.18
B y faith comes the knowledge of the truth. quote 8635 | The Yajur Veda Yajurveda, Tr. Ralph T.H. Griffith, 19.30
A nger must be conquered by forgiveness; and the wicked must be conquered by honesty; the miser must be conquered by liberality, and falsehood must be conquered by truth. quote 8473 | The Mahabarata Mahabharata, Tr. Kisari Mohan Ganguli, 5.39.88
T herefore, should good manners and good conduct be maintained with care, for, as regards wealth, it cometh or goeth. He that is wanting in wealth is not really wanting, but he that is wanting in manners and conduct is really in want. quote 8472 | The Mahabarata Mahabharata, Tr. Kisari Mohan Ganguli, 5.36.74
T he very gods desire his company, who, stung with reproach, returneth if not himself nor causeth others to return it, or who being struck doth not himself return the blow nor causeth other to do it, and who wisheth not the slightest injury to him that injureth him. quote 8471 | The Mahabarata Mahabharata, Tr. Kisari Mohan Ganguli, 5.36.73
D o not humiliate and insult others. Quarrel not with friends. Abstain from companionship with those that are vile and low. quote 8470 | The Mahabarata Mahabharata, Tr. Kisari Mohan Ganguli, 5.36.72
I f amongst men there were not persons equal unto the earth in forgiveness, there would be no peace among men . . . . quote 8469 | The Mahabarata Mahabharata, Tr. Kisari Mohan Ganguli, 3.29.61
A wise man, whether strong or weak, should ever forgive his persecutor even when the latter is in the straits. quote 8468 | The Mahabarata Mahabharata, Tr. Kisari Mohan Ganguli, 3.29.60
A ll kinds of crookedness mean death, and all kinds of sincerity are called Brahma. quote 8467 | The Mahabarata Mahabharata, Tr. Kisari Mohan Ganguli, 12.79.173
D o today what is for thy good . . . . quote 8466 | The Mahabarata Mahabharata, Tr. Kisari Mohan Ganguli, 12.277.287
H appiness is desirable. It is an attribute of the Soul. Both Virtue and Profit are sought for its sake. Virtue is its root. This, indeed, is its origin. All acts have for their end the attainment of happiness. quote 8465 | The Mahabarata Mahabharata, Tr. Kisari Mohan Ganguli, 12.190.36
T ruth is Brahma; Truth is Penance; it is Truth that creates all creatures. It is by Truth that the whole universe is upheld . . . . quote 8464 | The Mahabarata Mahabharata, Tr. Kisari Mohan Ganguli, 12.190.35
I f an opportunity, with respect to the man who waits for it, once passes away, it can never be had again by the person desirous of acting. quote 8463 | The Mahabarata Mahabharata, Tr. Kisari Mohan Ganguli, 12.103.224