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Wisdom and teachings of

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F or thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought.

quote 2925  | 
Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.96 

I died from minerality and became vegetable; And from vegetativeness I died and became animal. I died from animality and became human. Then why fear disappearance through death? Next time I shall die Bring forth wings and feathers like angels; After that, soaring higher than angels. What you cannot imagine I shall be that.

quote 2924  | 
Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.96 

A sceticism for the sake of the world brings relief to the body; asceticism for the sake of the hereafter brings relief to the heart; and turning one's face toward the Divine brings relief to the Spirit.

quote 2923  | 
Hadith, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.92 

A n hour of contemplation is better than a year of prayer.

quote 2922  | 
Hadith, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.92 

T here are as many ways to God as there are created souls.

quote 2921  | 
Hadith, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.92 

G od was asked why creation came into being. I was a hidden treasure. I longed to be known, so I created all of creation.

quote 2920  | 
Hadith, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.92 

D o not commit yourself to lengthy discussions of religion - such talk only succeeds in making religion a complex and confused matter. God has made religion easy and simple.

quote 2919  | 
Hadith, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.89 

T he first stage of worship is silence.

quote 2918  | 
Hadith, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.89 

I do not worry about the things that you do not know, but I am cautious in appraising how you apply what you do know.

quote 2917  | 
Hadith, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.88 

O ne who can control himself when in anger, in passion, in fear, and in attraction is safe from the hands of the devil and the fires of hell.

quote 2916  | 
Hadith, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.88 

T he signs of misfortune lie in four conditions: eyes that have never experienced tears, a heart that is cruel and hard, long chains of desires that never end, and wishing for an extremely prolonged life.

quote 2915  | 
Hadith, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.88 

I f your words are truthful, if you are good-tempered, if you are moderate in taking food, and if you are trustworthy, then you are rich and should not regret the possessions that you may not have. These four qualities are enough possessions and wealth for a wise person.

quote 2914  | 
Hadith, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.88 

W ish for others whatever you wish for yourself.

quote 2913  | 
Hadith, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.88 

B elief [faith] is the knowledge of the heart, the words of the tongue, and the actions of the body.

quote 2912  | 
Hadith, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.88 

O my Lord, if I worship You from fear of Hell, burn me in Hell; and if I worship You from hope of Paradise, exclude me from Paradise. But if I worship You for Your own sake, do not withhold from me Your Eternal Beauty.

quote 2910  | 
Rabia, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.86 

O ne day, Rabia was seen running, carrying fire in one hand and water in the other. They asked her the meaning of her action and where she was going. She replied, I am going to light a fire in Paradise and pour water on Hell, so that both veils (hindrances to the true vision of God) completely disappear."

quote 2909  | 
Rabia, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.86 

W isdom is like the rain. Its source is unlimited, but it comes down according to the season. Grocers put sugar in a bag, but their supply of sugar is not the amount in the bag. When you come to a grocer, he has sugar in abundance. But he sees how much money you have brought and gives accordingly.
Your currency on this Path is resolution and faith, and you are taught according to your resolution and faith. When you come seeking sugar, they examine your bag to see what its capacity is; then they measure out accordingly.

quote 2908  | 
Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.85 

G uard your heart from heedlessness, protect your lower self from desires, guard your intellect from ignorance, and you will be admitted into the company of the vigilant. It is a duty for everyone to seek knowledge; that is, knowledge of yourself.

quote 2907  |   Abou Bakr As-Siddiq
Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.84 

S eek the company of the wise, who know. Agree with what they say, for one understands only that with which one agrees. Be sincere in what you say- a single tongue should not speak two different words. No deceit or fraud should enter into your thoughts. Do not belittle anyone or anything, for everyone and everything in its inner being wishes for the same thing.
"Do not touch anything that is not yours. Avoid crowded places; even in such places, try to be with yourself, for that is the place where the truth is manifested. That is where the truth is.

quote 2906  | 
Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.84 

A li asked the Prophet, "What action can I take that is not totally lost and worthless?"
The Prophet answered, "Seek truth. You will find it in yourself, therefore, know yourself.

quote 2905  | 
Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.84 

H e who is intimate with worldly wealth will find his intellect destroyed; he who is intimate with people will become lonely; he who is intimate with work will be preoccupied; and he who is intimate with God will attain union.

quote 2904  |   Others Sufis Teaching
Shibli, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.83 

O nce Ibrahim Adhem saw a stone on which was written, "Turn me over and read. 'On the other side he read, "You do not practice what you know. Why, then, do you seek what you know not?"

quote 2903  |   Hujwiri
Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.82 

T rue knowledge comes through the light of certainty, by which God enlightens the heart. Then, you will behold the things of the spiritual world, and by the power of that light all the veils between you and that world will be removed.

quote 2901  |   Others Sufis Teaching
al-Antaki, Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.80 

F our thousand years before God created these bodies, he created the souls and kept them beside himself and shed a light upon them. He knew what quantity each soul received and he showed favor to each in proportion to its illumination. The souls remained all that time in light, until they became fully nourished. Those who in this world live in joy and agreement with one another must have been akin to one another in that place. Here they love one another and are called the friends of God, and they are brothers who love one another for God’s sake. These souls know one another by smell, like horses.

quote 2900  | 

O ne day I was carrying something disgusting in my hands. My companions imagined I was carrying it with the intention of mortifying my soul because in their eyes I was much too lofty to stoop to carrying such a thing. They told this to my sheikh, who then questioned me. I replied that it was simply that I saw that God did not disdain to create such a thing. How then was I to disdain to carry it?

quote 2899  |   Others Sufis Teaching
Ibn al-Imad Essential Sufism, by James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Harper SanFrancisco, p.77 

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