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The quotes of Mahavira

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T he Arhats have propounded the doctrine of Non-Violence, one and all, equally for those who are desirous to practice it and those who are not, those who have abandoned violence and those who have not, those who are deeply engrossed in worldly ties and those who are not. This doctrine of Ahimsa is Truth. It is rightly enunciated here in the teachings of the Arhats. Comprehending the true spirit of the doctrine, one should practice it till one’s last breath.

quote 6129  |   Mahavira
Acharanga Sutra, 4 

A bove, below and in front, people indulge in violent activities against living beings individually and collectively in many ways; discerning this, a wise man neither himself inflicts violence on these bodies, nor induces others to do so, nor approved of their doing so.

quote 6128  |   Mahavira
Acharanga Sutra, 1 

T he Arhats of the past, those of the present and the future narrate thus, discourse thus, proclaim thus, and affirm thus: One should not injure, subjugate, enslave, torture or kill any animal, living being, organism or sentient being. This doctrine of Non-Violence (Ahimsa Dharma) is immaculate, immutable and eternal.

quote 6127  |   Mahavira
Acharanga Sutra, 4 

T he monk who is absorbed in meditation achieves victory over attachment and aversion, and the senses. His fear vanishes and his passions are shattered. Finally, he extirpates his indulgences, abhorrence and delusion.

quote 6126  |   Mahavira

O ne who meditates on the soul, attains the supreme samadhi.

quote 6125  |   Mahavira
Niyamsara, 129 

A monk engrossed in meditation renounces all evils. Meditation is therefore the best way of regression from all transgressions.

quote 6124  |   Mahavira
Niyamsara, 65 

T hose who hanker after pleasure, those who are attached to or seized by passions and are obstinate like miser, cannot know the nature of samadhi (self-concentration).

quote 6123  |   Mahavira
Sutrakrtanga, 1/2/58 

A s the fire quickly consumes dry wood, even so an adept whose soul is equipoised and unattached causes the accumulated karma structure to disintegrate.

quote 6122  |   Mahavira
Acaranga, 4/3/33 

M ay the state of Arhats, the Siddhas and the Vitranagas be my goal.

quote 6121  |   Mahavira
Mulachara, 2/107 

I condemn what is worthy of condemnation. I censure what is worthy of censure. I atone for all the outer and inner encroachments on the soul.

quote 6120  |   Mahavira
Mulachara, 2/55 

T hose who are interested in worldly objects have of necessity misery in them. If there were no misery in them, they would not indulge in those objects.

quote 6119  |   Mahavira
Pravachansara, 1/84 

I f one’s vision is capable of expelling the darkness, he would not need a lamp. Likewise the soul itself being blissful, there is no need of external object for bliss.

quote 6118  |   Mahavira
Pravachansara, 1/67 

O ne who knows the spiritual (self) knows the external (world) too. He who knows the external world, knows the self also.

quote 6117  |   Mahavira
Acaranga, 1/7/147 

O nly that man can take a right decision, whose soul is not tormented by the afflictions of attachment and aversion.

quote 6116  |   Mahavira
Isibhasiyam, 44/1 

T he enlightened should contemplate that his soul is endowed with boundless energy.

quote 6115  |   Mahavira
Niyamasara, 96 

A s a tortoise withdraws his limbs within his own body, even so does the valiant withdraw his mind within himself from all sins. He also withdraws his hands, legs, mind, sense-organs, sinful moods, evil words, pride, and deceitfulness. This indeed is the valor of the valiant.

quote 6114  |   Mahavira
Sutrakrtanga, 1/8/16-18 

T he valiant does not tolerate indulgence, nor does he tolerate abhorrence. As he is pleased with his own self, he is not attached to anything.

quote 6113  |   Mahavira
Acaranga, 2/6/160 

O ne who entertains fear finds himself lonely (and helpless).

quote 6112  |   Mahavira
Prasnavyakarana, 7/20 

T he non-vigilant has fear from all directions. The vigilant has none from any.

quote 6111  |   Mahavira
Acaranga, 3/75 

D o not be in dread of the dreadful, the illness, the disease, the old age, and even the death or any other object of fear.

quote 6110  |   Mahavira
Prasnavyakarana, 7/20 

T here is nothing as fearful as death, and there is no suffering as great as birth. Be free from the fear of both birth and death, by doing away with attachment to the body.

quote 6109  |   Mahavira
Mulachara, 2/119 

B oth the righteous and unrighteous must die. When death is inevitable for both, when should not one embrace death while maintaining good conduct?

quote 6108  |   Mahavira
Mulachara, 2/101 

T he courageous as well as the cowardly must die. When death is inevitable for both, why should not one welcome death smilingly and with fortitude?

quote 6107  |   Mahavira
Mulachara, 2/100 

B irth is attended by death, youth by decay and fortune by misfortune. Thus everything in this world is momentary.

quote 6106  |   Mahavira
Kartikeyanupreksa, 5 

T he yogin who is indifferent to worldly affairs remains spiritually alert to his own duty, namely, his duty towards his soul. On the other hand, one who indulges in worldly affairs is not dutiful to his soul.

quote 6105  |   Mahavira
Moksha-pahuda, 31 

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