Inter-  Faiths  Dialogue

The Saints > Oneness

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T he divine Reality, when it "combines" with the creatures in a strictly conceptual mode, is hidden to the eyes of the spiritually veiled, who see only the creatures. Conversely, it is the creatures that disappear in the eyes of the masters of the Unicity of contemplation(wahdat al-shuhud), for they see only God alone. Thus, both God and the creatures hide the other…

quote 3270  | 
Kitab al-Mawaqif 215, p. 100,in The Spiritual Writings of 'Abd al-Kader. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 1995 

T he sun symbolizes the Lord -- may He be exalted! -- just as the moon symbolizes the servant. Their "conjunction" symbolizes the degree of the "union of the union" (jam' al-jam'), which is the ultimate degree, the greatest deliverance and the supreme felicity; and consists in seeing at the same time the creation subsisting by God, and God manifesting Himself by His creation…

quote 3259  | 
Kitab al-Mawaqif 320, pp. 53-55,in The Spiritual Writings of 'Abd al-Kader. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 1995 

H e who knows me as his own divine Self breaks through the belief that he is the body and is not reborn as a separate creature. Such a one is united with me. Delivered from selfish attachment, fear, and anger, filled with me, surrendering themselves to me, purified in the fire of my being, many have reached the state of unity in me.

quote 3241  | 
BG 4:9-10, p. 86, The Bhagavad Gita. Trans. Eknath Easwaran. Tomales, CA.: Nilgiri Press, 1985. 

B ut those who worship me with love live in me, and I come to life in them.

quote 3240  | 
BG 9:29, p. 135, The Bhagavad Gita. Trans. Eknath Easwaran. Tomales, CA.: Nilgiri Press, 1985. 

A s the rivers flowing east and west
Merge in the sea and become one with it,
Forgetting they were ever separate rivers,
So do all creatures lose their separateness
When they merge at last into pure Being.

quote 3225  | 
Chandogya Up. 10:1-2, pp. 184-185 in The Upanishads. Trans. Eknath Easwaran. Tomales, CA.: Nilgiri Press, 1987 

T he separate self dissolves in the sea of pure consciousness, infinite and immortal. Separateness arises from identifying the Self with the body, which is made up of the elements; when this physical identification dissolves, there can be no more separte self. This is what I want to tell you, beloved.

quote 3224  | 
Brihadaranyaka Up. Chapter 2, 4:12, p. 38 in The Upanishads. Trans. Eknath Easwaran. Tomales, CA.: Nilgiri Press, 1987 

W hat the sages sought they have found at last. No more questions have they to ask of life. With self-will extinguished, they are at peace. Seeing the Lord of Love in all around, Serving the Lord of Love in all around, they are united with him forever.

quote 3223  | 
Mundaka Up. 3:2:5, p. 117 in The Upanishads. Trans. Eknath Easwaran. Tomales, CA.: Nilgiri Press, 1987 

T hy Spirit is mingled in my spirit
even as wine is mingled with pure water.
When anything touches Thee,
it touches me.
Lo, in every case Thou art I!"

quote 3153  | 
Kitab al-Tawasin, in The Mystics of Islam, by Reynold A Nicholson 

I am He whom I love,
and He whom I love is I:
We are two spirits
dwelling in one body.
If thou seest me,
thou seest Him,
And if thou seest Him,
thou seest us both.

quote 3152  | 
Kitab al-Tawasin, in The Mystics of Islam, by Reynold A Nicholson, 1963; p. 151 

W hen sleep comes to an end, a man returns to his senses.
Now my individuality has come to an end, and I have returned to Shiva and Shakti.

Salt gives up its salty taste to become one with the ocean;
I give up my individual self to become Shiva and Shakti.

When the covering is removed, the air inside a plantain tree merges with the air outside.
And this is how I honor Shiva and Shakti by removing all separation and becoming one with them.

quote 3115  | 
in Jonathan Star, the Inner Treasure, Tarcher Putnam, translated by Jonathan Star and Julle Lal from the Amritanubhava, Chapter 1. 

T he Saint becomes so unified with God, that it is impossible to distinguish between God and Saint.
Embrace meets embrace.
Body is unified with body.
Words mix with words.
Eyes meet with eyes.

I have girded up my loins, and found a way to cross the ocean of life.
Come here, come here, great and small, women and men.
Take no thought; have no anxiety.
I shall carry all of you to the other shore.
A come as the sole bearer of the stamp of God
to carry you over with His Name.

quote 3107  | 
Ranade, R. D. Mysticism in India. Albany, NY. SUMY Press, 1983, pp. 303, 312, 320, 339, 349. 

M y mind fell like a hailstone into that vast expanse of Consciousness.
Touching one drop of it I melted away and became one with the Absolute.
And now, though I return to human consciousness,
I see nothing, I hear nothing,
I know that nothing is different from me.

quote 3099  | 
Prabhavananda, Swami, and isherwood, Christopher, trans. Shankara's Crest-Jewel of Discrimination. New York: New American Library, 194 7, pp. 119-127. 

T he eye by which I see God is the same as the eye by which God sees me. My eye and God's eye are one and the same one in seeing, one in knowing, and one in loving.

quote 3087  | 
Pfeiffer, Frantz, and Evans, C de B., trans. Meister Eckhart. London: John M. Watkins, 1924, 193 1, Vol. 1: 118, 157, 221-222, 287, 338, 348, 363, 429, and Vol. 2: 41, 114. 

G od has given birth to the Son as you, as me, as each one of us. As many beings as many gods in God.
In my soul, God not only gives birth to me as His son, He gives birth to me as Himself, and Himself as me.
My physical father is my father with but a small part of his being, and I live my life separate from him. He may be dead, and I may live. God, however, is my father with His entire being, and I am never separate from Him. I am always His; I am alive only because He is alive.

In this divine birth I find that God and I are the same: I am what I am and what I shall remain, now and forever. I am carried above was the highest angels. I neither increase nor decrease, for in this birth I have become the motionless cause of all that moves. I have won back what has always been mine. Here, in my own soul, the greatest of all miracles has taken place-God has returned to God!

quote 3086  | 
Pfeiffer, Frantz, and Evans, C de B., trans. Meister Eckhart. London: John M. Watkins, 1924, 193 1, Vol. 1: 118, 157, 221-222, 287, 338, 348, 363, 429, and Vol. 2: 41, 114. 

N ever has anything become so kindred, so alike, so one with another, as the soul becomes with God in this birth . . . In this birth, God flows into the soul with such dazzling light that God and the soul merge into one-one spirit, one essence, one Being.

quote 3085  | 
Pfeiffer, Frantz, and Evans, C de B., trans. Meister Eckhart. London: John M. Watkins, 1924, 193 1, Vol. 1: 118, 157, 221-222, 287, 338, 348, 363, 429, and Vol. 2: 41, 114. 

W hen the soul is totally lost, it finds that it is the very self it had sought for so long in vain. Here the soul is God. Here it enjoys supreme bliss. Here it is sufficient unto itself Here it shines with its own radiance. Here, at last, it has found that the Kingdom of God is itself !

quote 3083  | 
Pfeiffer, Frantz, and Evans, C de B., trans. Meister Eckhart. London: John M. Watkins, 1924, 193 1, Vol. 1: 118, 157, 221-222, 287, 338, 348, 363, 429, and Vol. 2: 41, 114. 

A soul pure in God is God.

quote 3077  | 
Kadloubovsky, E., and Palmer G. E. H., trans. Early Fathers from the Philokalia. London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1954, pp. 109,157-158, 161, 166,170 

H appy is the moment, when we sit together,
With two forms, two faces, yet one soul, you and I.

The flowers will bloom forever,
The birds will sing their eternal song,
The moment we enter the garden, you and I.

The stars of heaven will come out to watch us,
And we will show them the light of a full moon, you and I.

No thoughts of "you," no thoughts of I,"
Just the bliss of union-
Joyous, alive, free of care, you and I.

All the bright-winged birds of heaven
Will swoop down to drink our sweet water-
The ocean of our laughter, you and I.

What a miracle of fate, us sitting here.
Even at the far ends of the earth
We would still be together, you and I.

We have one form in this world, another in the next.
To us belongs an eternal heaven, the endless delight, you and I.

quote 3057  | 
Star, Jonathan, and Shiva, Shahram, trans. A Garden Beyond Paradise. New York: Bantam Books, 1992 

T he Beloved is in the sight,
and the sight is in the Beloved.

quote 3050  | 
Star, Jonathan, and Shiva, Shahram, trans. A Garden Beyond Paradise. New York: Bantam Books, 1992 

S how me a Man of God.
Show me a man modeled after the doctrines that are ever upon his lips.
Show me a man who is hard-pressed-and happy,
In danger-and happy,
On his death-bed-and happy,
in exile-and happy,
In evil report-and happy.

Show him to me.
I ask again.

So help me, Heaven,
I long to see one Man of God!
And if you cannot show me one fully realized, let me see one in whom the process is at work or one whose bent is in that direction.
Do me that favor!
Grudge it not to an old man, to behold such wonder.
Do you think I wish to see the Zeus or Athena of Phidias, sparkling with ivory and gold?
No. Show me one of you, a human soul, longing to be of one with God.

quote 3043  | 
Crossley, Hastings, trans. The Golden Sayings of Epictetus. New York: P E Collier and Son, 1909, verses 1, 66, 77. 

A s Marcus, I have Rome; as a human being, I have the Universe.

quote 3039  | 
Book 7:13, Book 11:9, and Book 6:44. 

C onstantly remind yourself, I am a member of the whole body of conscious things." If you think of yourself as a mere "part," then love for mankind will not well up in your heart; you will look for some reward in every act of kindness and miss the boon which the act itself is offering. Then all your work will be seen as a mere duty and not as the very portal connecting you with the Universe itself.

quote 3037  | 
Book 7:13, Book 11:9, and Book 6:44. 

O ne Nature, perfect and pervading, circulates in all natures.
One Reality, all comprehensive, contains within itself all realities.
The one moon is reflected wherever there is a sheet of water,
And all the moons in all the waters are embraced within the one moon;
The embodied Truth of all the Buddhas enters into my own being,
And my own being is found in union with theirs.

quote 3024  | 
Suzuki, D. T Manual of Zen Buddhism. New York: Grove Press, 1960, pp. 97-100 

S ee the whole of this universe,
the movable and immovable,
and whatever else you wish to see, unified, as one, in my body.

quote 3010  | 
Chapter 11, translated by Jonathan Star and Julle Lal, the Inner Treasure, Tarcher Putnam. 

W hen the mysterious unity between the soul and the Divine becomes clear, you will realize that you are none other than God. You will see all your actions as His actions; all your features as His features; all your breaths as His breath.

quote 3006  | 
Manheim, Ralph, trans. Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn 'Arabi. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1969, pp. 174-175. 

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